
Help Stop Frequent Nighttime Urination (Professionals Only)

Do you wake up one to several times throughout the night to urinate? Excessive urination at night is a condition called nocturia and is a symptom that your body and kidneys and prostate are most  probably inflamed and your prostate may be enlarged and possibly harboring infection and your estradiol/progesterone/testosterone/DHEA levels probably need attention. Nightime urination disturbs sleep patterns, which leads to fatigue, and diminishes your immunity, brainpower, good mood and healthy immune function. All are symptoms overall of enlarged prostate and low testosterone.


This is your step ONE in therapeutic treatment and will be increased as below if not progressively clearing completely over 3 months and remember it takes the body one month just to begin responding to giving it what it needs, is missing and wants then another month to begin to see more resolution then another 3 months to progressively clear.




Please follow all directions on product pages carefully.

Please begin with with following products:


Solray-D Liposome Spray with Vitamins D & K – Immune, Bone and Cardiac Support. Vitamin D3/K2 in a liposome spray to assist in the absorption/direction of calcium and in support of the immune system.

Instructions: 1-10 or more sprays daily or as directed by your physician from bloodwork levels. Swish in mouth for 1 minute then swallow.

Wild Oregano Oil  – Recent studies have shown that oil of oregano has natural, supportive antiviral, anti-parasitic, antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Instructions: 1 pill per day anytime but can take 1 twice a day for greater symptom resolution. Take for 2-4 bottles or can take to help with prevention 1 pill every other to every third day ongoing.

Zinc Gluconate – Helps to support prostate, hair, skin, hormone and immune health.

Instructions: 50mg – 1 pill every other day. 30mg – 1 pill daily.

Tri-Chromium – helps stabilize low blood sugar problems, lower high blood sugar, pro-energy, curbs “sweet tooth.”

Instructions: 1 pill AM and PM with  food for 1 month, then 1 pill per day AM  or PM.

Omega Gold – Helps reduce inflammation, high lipids, moisturizes and anti-aging.

Instructions: 2-6 per day depending on the degree of problems you are experiencing and age. Up to age 40 recommended for general well-being 2 pills per day or 3-4 (ideally 2 twice a day AM and anytime PM) if more significant challenges. 4-6 pills per day age 40 and older and if more substantial challenges.

INFLAMMA LIFE FORCE – Botanical and nutritional support for local and systemic inflammatory conditions such as physical trauma, chemical toxins, microbial infection, free radicals, etc.

Instructions: (2-3 twice a day until resolved, then 2 per day or 1-2 twice a day.

Iodizyme – Supports thyroid and immune system, helps detox the body and reduce fungus. Helps to support and decrease the risk of breast, prostate cancer. Important – NOT for Hyper-high thyroid function patients or for thyroid cancer patients.

Instructions: Take 1 pill on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday any time of day. Anytime you have blood work drawn, ask for a Serum Iodine blood test, which should be high normal ideally.


This is your step TWO in therapeutic treatment and will be increased as below if not progressively clearing completely over 3 months and remember it takes the body one month just to begin responding to giving it what it needs, is missing and wants then another month to begin to see more resolution then another 3 months to progressively clear.



Please follow all product directions carefully.


Organic Sulfur – Helps to promote optimizing youthful organ function, thyroid and immune function, energy, clearer thinking, detox, liver cleansing, internal fungal overgrowth, increased sense of well-being, improve skin tone, clarity, anti-aging, texture, pigment and color, the reduction of skin wrinkles and acne facial scars.
Instructions: Sulfur should always be taken 30 minutes before any prescription medications or nutraceutical products including vitamins. You will start with ½ teaspoon once a day for 5 days, then 1 teaspoon once a day for 5 days, then 1 tablespoon once a day. Some people have reported detox symptoms initially. If this occurs decrease to the lower dose for a week before increasing again. Dissolve the crystals in a small amount (4 oz) of warm or hot NON-chlorinated water (best to use bottled/spring water) followed by a full glass (8 -10 oz) of water. If a microwave is used to heat the water, do NOT add the sulfur until AFTER the water is heated. Microwaves use temperatures above 400 F and sulfur vaporizes at 270 F. However, heating the water in a microwave is a good way to remove chlorine.

Methyl B12 Liposome Spray – Vitamin B6, B12, TMG and folic acid are necessary to help reduce homocysteine and keep the methylation processes occurring.

Instructions: 3-4 sprays 1-2x daily under tongue, swish in mouth for 1 minute then swallow.

Licro Intrinsic – Helps support Adrenal fatigue, anti-stress.

Instructions: Start with 1 dropperful under tongue, swish in mouth for 1 minute then swallow, OR put in warm water and drink twice a day AM and PM 6+ hours later for 1 week. Then increase to 2 dropperfuls twice a day for 1 week, and if tired and cold symptoms persist then increase to 3-5 dropperfuls twice a day for a total of 3+ bottles.

Thyroid Support – Promotes energy, endurance and assists in weight challenges by normalizing thyroid function. (see symptoms in Critical Info tab).

Instructions: Full instructions can be downloaded on the Thyroid Support product page.

START with THYROID SUPPORT taking it 6 days per week:

If you are most tired in the AM then add in the AM with the ADRENAL LIFE FORCE, 1 THYROID SUPPORT. If you are most tired mid-afternoon, then add BY 3PM-1 THYROID SUPPORT

If you REMAIN tired in the AM despite 1 THYROID SUPPORT and 3 ADRENAL LIFE FORCE, add 2 THYROID SUPPORT in the AM as long as NO undesired reactions as described above.

If you REMAIN tired in the mid-afternoon, DESPITE 1 THYROID SUPPORT and 3 ADRENAL LIFE FORCE, add 2 THYROID SUPPORT BY 3 PM as long as NO undesired reactions as described above.

The MAXIMUM amount of THYROID SUPPORT that you can take is 2 AM and 2 mid-afternoons.

Normally, urine decreases in amount and becomes more concentrated at night and most people can sleep 6 to 8 hours without having to urinate. Persons with nocturia get up more than once during the night to urinate and overall every night. Because of this, those who have excessive urination at night often have disrupted sleep cycles.

Nocturia is often exacerbated by certain drugs including diuretics, blood pressure and heart medications, possibly is a symptom of urinary tract infections but there are generally a lot more symptoms with this-(although you can have an asymptomatic urinary tract infection so you should have your health practitioner do a Urinalysis with Microscopy and Culture and Sensitivity if indicated by the test, along with a Total PSA with Free PSA as well and Prostatic Acid Phosphatase and Estradiol, Progesterone, DHEA, FREE Testosterone levels if you have nocturia, urinating more than once per night) – including frequent urination as well during the day, back pain, fever, feeling ill, burning with urination, blood or dark colored urine), potentially kidney or prostate problems, inflammation or infection, cystitis, diabetes, drinking too much fluid before bedtime, particularly coffee, caffeinated beverages, or alcohol, high blood calcium level and obstructive sleep apnea and other sleeping disorders.

It is in women due to low hormones, progesterone, estradiol and testosterone primarily but also contributed to by low growth hormone. In men it is overall a symptom of enlarged prostate which may be due to HIGH estradiol ( which is WHY you need to get your blood levels checked after age 38 along with high sensitivity PSA-free and total levels and Prostatic Acid Phospatase and Vitamin D3, and your FREE testosterone blood level and men need to always have their progesterone blood level checked because yours gets low as well and you get VERY hard to get along with AND you need to have your DHEA blood level checked EVERY time you have blood drawn-remind your physician please), low testosterone, low thyroid contributes and fungal or bacterial infection in the prostate gland. Generally decreased erection function goes along with night time urination. This is also due to the same hormone and fungal overgrowth issues generally and can be eliminated as a problem by optimizing your health-exercise, food is your medicine and supplementation as detailed in my document on the website entitled–.

The men whom I have helped in my practice FORCED me to put this on my website because our solutions gave them appreciated relief therefore I am providing the same SKIN FITNESS PLUS supplementation solutions that have helped my male patients resolve the frequent urination and sleep disruption issues. The erection issues should also be helped but may require hormone optimization by your health practitioner. I use my SKIN THERAPY/PHYSIOLOGY nontoxic, testosterone cream with an individualized formula for each patient which may include in the cream DHEA, progesterone, and chrysin because if you are supplementing low testosterone levels then you MUST be having blood work to make sure that genetically your body is NOT increasing your estradiol and DHT levels, metabolized from the testosterone and following your high sensitivity PSA-total and Free-otherwise medical problems can occur that are preventable.

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