Why Wholistic Dermatology is DIFFERENT from Traditional Medicine…
We investigate and optimize your entire Internal and External Health by addressing the Whole Body – to Treat the Causes – NOT just the Symptoms – for achieving PROVEN Results – LONG-LASTING, SCIENTIFICALLY-CORRECT visible and health improving SOLUTIONS!
Wholistic Dermatology does not just provide and perform Skin Treatments – we provide maximal strength THERAPEUTIC Internal and External SOLUTIONS to MAXIMIZE Whole Body Health, Disease Prevention and Repair, Beauty and Anti-Aging.
This is the MOST Effective, Best Use of Time, Trust and Monies!
How we work…
This unique PROPRIETARY method of treatment was founded and created by Julia T. Hunter M.D. We utilize a COMBINATION of Healthy, maximal Physician-strength, NON-toxic, Chirally correct Internal and External Treatments that include Skin Therapy by Julia T. Hunter M.D. products with Skin Fitness Plus Internal Specialty Supplements, Tooth and Oral Health Preventatives, and Skin Physiology Safe, Bio-Identical Hormones.
Your results…
You will feel and visibly see a change in your overall health, become progressively less symptomatic, become more energetic and protected… along with a healthier appearance, remarkable improvement in your skin and achieve long-lasting beauty goals. Always remember that the correct and most successful way of creating beauty is through HEALTH!
Through this State of the Science Gold Standard of Whole-Body Health and Prevention, you can Reverse and Slow Down the Clock for the Optimal, Quality Longevity of Life we all seek.
Dr. Hunter Explains WHY Wholistic Dermatology
Why Wholistic Dermatology is DIFFERENT from Traditional Medicine…
We investigate and optimize your entire Internal and External Health by addressing the Whole Body – to Treat the Causes – NOT just the Symptoms – for achieving PROVEN Results – LONG-LASTING, SCIENTIFICALLY-CORRECT visible and health improving SOLUTIONS!
Wholistic Dermatology does not just provide and perform Skin Treatments – we provide maximal strength THERAPEUTIC Internal and External SOLUTIONS to MAXIMIZE Whole Body Health, Disease Prevention and Repair, Beauty and Anti-Aging.
This is the MOST Effective, Best Use of Time, Trust and Monies!
How we work…
This unique PROPRIETARY method of treatment was founded and created by Julia T. Hunter M.D. We utilize a COMBINATION of Healthy, maximal Physician-strength, NON-toxic, Chirally correct Internal and External Treatments that include Skin Therapy by Julia T. Hunter M.D. products with Skin Fitness Plus Internal Specialty Supplements, Tooth and Oral Health Preventatives, and Skin Physiology Safe, Bio-Identical Hormones.
Your results…
You will feel and visibly see a change in your overall health, become progressively less symptomatic, become more energetic and protected… along with a healthier appearance, remarkable improvement in your skin and achieve long-lasting beauty goals. Always remember that the correct and most successful way of creating beauty is through HEALTH!
Through this State of the Science Gold Standard of Whole-Body Health and Prevention, you can Reverse and Slow Down the Clock for the Optimal, Quality Longevity of Life we all seek.
Julia T. Hunter M.D.
Show Me…Don’t Tell Me
Skin Products AND Peels
• Non-toxic, Non-inflammatory
• Scientifically and Chirally-correct ingredients
• Therapeutic and SCIENTIFICALLY-CORRECT for ALL skin types, genders, and skin of all colors
Julia T. Hunter M.D.
Show Me…Don’t Tell Me
Skin Products AND Peels
• Non-toxic, Non-inflammatory
• Scientifically and Chirally-correct ingredients
• Therapeutic and SCIENTIFICALLY-CORRECT for ALL skin types, genders, and skin of all colors
Whole Body Therapy for Maximal Health, Prevention and Longevity of Life

A Walk Through Whole Foods Market For Health & Beauty
You are what you eat and food IS your PRIMARY medicine to help prevent, restore, rejuvenate, minimize and repair disease, aging, weight struggles and for greater brainpower, energy, happiness and quality longevity. How to detailed in this video. NOT deprivation, rather informed moderation. The firm foundation of health and beauty- so start here!
Health Solutions – What Works and Why
Neo Derm Medical Spa
Suite 1103 Jacksonville, FL 32224
Phone: +1 (310) 247-8744
EMail: practice@juliathuntermd.com
Beverly Hills
8644 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 202
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Hours: M-F 9:30AM–6PM
Phone: +1 (310) 247-8744
EMail: practice@juliathuntermd.com
Tempus Belgravia
11a W Halkin St,
London SW1X 8JL, United Kingdom
Phone: +1 (310) 247-8744
EMail: practice@juliathuntermd.com