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Why, Which & How to Use Supplements

From HEALTH comes beauty, energy, endurance, brainpower, greater happiness, better hair, prevention, rejuvenation, restoration, reversal, BEST slowing down and turning back the clock and QUALITY longevity. By knowing how to scientifically correctly, not marketing fact correctly, most likely assure or recapture health in today’s world, it is possible to live long, minimizing disease risk, infirmities and disabilities that can be responsible for shortening your life, your useful brain, mobility, self-determination, happiness and well-being, never mind the physical, psychological and financial depletion that inevitably accompany them. HOWEVER– WARNING—most everyone NEEDS their consciousness/fund of knowledge upgraded IMMENSELY on how do you/what does it take to TRULY HAVE/CREATE/RECAPTURE HEALTH in TODAY’S VERY toxic and MUCH more health challenging world vs. what worked in the past!

PLEASE be aware and BEWARE for starters-there is CORRECT SCIENCE and there is MARKETING facts science, and there are the MANY in the marketplace who allegedly “inform” us, who only know to chase and treat symptoms as their best solution NOT how to TRULY create/recreate health because they NEVER address/define the CORE CAUSE of the health, and/or skin/beauty/hair challenge, and rid it as much as scientifically possible. As a result, symptoms come and go, appear elsewhere in and on the body, side effects are experienced with the solutions, which can be worse or precipitate another set of symptoms, and there is less likely to be achieved the health, happiness, quality of life and longevity you seek.

There is a step before SCREENING of organs which is, all that we must do to try to achieve TRUE prevention as much as possible in today’s health and happiness challenging world. TRUE PREVENTION FIRST is what I want to enlighten you on HOW TO and WHY, because TRUE PREVENTION of all that threatens our health, happiness and quality longevity is the Golden Fleece – the goal. TRUE PREVENTION is MORE likely to be achieved— ALONG WITH symptom resolution (IF you already have symptoms and we ALL DO but think they are just a normal part of aging but we are wrong about that), by addressing/focusing on identifying the CAUSE of symptoms and PREVENTING/ STOPPING/REVERSING the CAUSE as MUCH as possible, as EARLY and QUICKLY as possible, long BEFORE SCREENING generally becomes POSITIVE. So START EARLY but it is NEVER TOO LATE.

If the body is NOT addressed and treated as a WHOLE, internally AND externally, in EVERY ORGAN SYSTEM–DEEP into their extracellular AND intracellular spaces and FAT cells where damage and toxins of every sort, which cannot be easily or at all expelled by the body are deposited in an attempt to minimize their negative impact on the rest of the body- then I can tell you from a lot of my own EXPERIENCE and from those who have done this a lot longer and more than I, those who came before and all who generously passed along their wisdom of the years and from an overview of countries and cultures of the world– that TRUE prevention and the goal for ,health, beauty, happiness and quality longevity will be quite difficult to achieve.

In today’s toxic world from stress, inadequate sleep, electromagnetic energy, chemicals everywhere, radiation, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, vaccinations, pollutants, infective agents, foods and water, soil, food and water containers, plastics, ground water pollution- we are NOW known from BEFORE birth to be a repository/storage facility of health, immune system, inflammation enhancing challenges which are contributing to aging internally and externally, INFINITELY more quickly, personifying our disease risk, the debilitating plethora of new and old diseases , pain, skin diseases, obesity rates, and unhappiness into national economy challenging industries. NO longer can eating healthily, exercise, staying alkaline, promoting psychological happiness and purging anger and traumas and taking basic supplementation are NEARLY enough. In my practice daily, personally and in treating and interacting with patients and physicians WORLDWIDE, we have MANY arrived at the same call to action conclusion.

Medical professionals remark CONSTANTLY at medical meetings that we are seeing diseases now that didn’t exist (nor even have a name) NOT SO LONG AGO and the numbers of these NEW AND OLD diseases/health and well-being challenges are now frightening and a wake-up call for AGGRESSIVE prevention, reversal and solutions. Otherwise, we may see staggering statistics on increasing lack of health.

Read more about Why, Which and How to Use Supplements and Remedies…

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